0028: Menus III - CheckMenuItems

Today we’ll cover another type of MenuItem, the CheckMenuItem. This post is longer than usual because after doing the simple version, I wanted to do a multiple CheckMenuItem version as well and that led to a whole can of worms dumped on my desktop. Anyway, let’s get on with it…

Single CheckMenuItem

Results of this example:
Current example output
Current example output
Current example terminal output
Current example terminal output (click for enlarged view)

For the most part, this is very much the same as other MenuItems. It’s created by calling for a new CheckMenuItem and it’s appended to a Menu in the same way, but where it strays from the norm is:

  • you need to decide the default state of the CheckBox, is it checked or not, and
  • the callback needs to handle both checked and unchecked states because it’s triggered by toggling the CheckBox and *not *just by setting it to an active state.

The beauty of this last point is that we can set up the callback to perform two different actions, one when the CheckBox is activated, another when it’s deactivated. (A similar behaviour is inherited by the RadioMenuItem as we’ll see in the next blog post.)

The simplest way to write the callback is to check the state of the CheckBox with getActive() and decide what to do from there:

void choose(CheckMenuItem mi)
	if(getActive() == true)
} // choose()

While digging into this widget, I found myself unable to resist doing a more complex version with multiple CheckMenuItems, so here we go…

Multiple CheckMenuItems and Tracking Their States

Results of this example:
Current example output
Current example output
Current example terminal output
Current example terminal output (click for enlarged view)

Before we look at the CheckMenuItems themselves…

The ObservedFeaturesList Object

This example spotlights an imaginary object and the features controlled with the CheckMenuItems. Here’s the code to define this imaginary object:

class ObservedFeaturesList
	bool[string] features;

		features = ["Fancy" : true, "Fortified" : false, "Extra Large" : false, "Soft & Fluffy" : true];
	} // this()
	void setFeature(string featureName, bool state)
		features[featureName] = state;
	} // setFeature()
	bool getFeature(string featureName)
	} // getFeature()
	void listFeatures()
		foreach(name, feature; features)
			writeln(name, " = ", feature);
	} // listFeatures()
} // class ObservedFeaturesList

This is a different approach than we’ve taken before. This class keeps track of:

  • the number of features,
  • their names, and
  • their states (on or off, signified by true or false)

The features associative array is the only part of the code we need to fiddle with when deciding which features are turned on by default, another reason why using a generic approach to coding other classes makes sense.

Also, the key names are used as labels when creating the CheckMenuItems, so there’s another thing we only have to deal with here in this one place.

This ObservedFeaturesList object is instantiated in…

Back to the Top

Jumping back to the TextRigWindow class, we see some changes to our usual code:

class TestRigWindow : MainWindow
	string title = "CheckMenuItem Example";
	ObservedFeaturesList observedList;

		setDefaultSize(640, 480);

		observedList = new ObservedFeaturesList();
		AppBox appBox = new AppBox(observedList);
	} // this()
	void quitApp(Widget w)
	} // quitApp()
} // TestRigWindow

Because all of the CheckMenuItems need access to the ObservedFeaturesList and I also wanted to duplicate Exit MenuItem action when the user clicks the window’s Close button, I created the observed object here and passed it down through the hierarchy.

The FileMenu Class

Here, because the CheckMenuItems are all so similar, we can get away grabbing the names (itemKey) from within a foreach loop to create the items:

class FileMenu : Menu
	FeatureCheckMenuItem[] featureItemArray;
	FeatureCheckMenuItem featureItem;
	ExitItem exitItem;
	this(ObservedFeaturesList extObservedList)
		foreach(itemKey, itemValue; extObservedList.features)
			featureItem = new FeatureCheckMenuItem(extObservedList, itemKey);
			featureItemArray ~= featureItem;
		exitItem = new ExitItem(extObservedList);
	} // this()

} // class FileMenu

Note that when using an associative array with a foreach loop, we need to name a pair of iterators, a key and a value, as well as the associative array even though we don’t actually use itemValue. Within the loop, we do the standard stuff:

  • grab the item’s name from features,
  • create the CheckMenuItem,
  • add it to the local array of FeatureCheckMenuItems, and
  • append it to the Menu.

Once we’re done with those, it’s back to adding the exitItem in the usual way.

One last bit to look at…

The FeatureCheckMenuItem Class

There’s a little more going on here than with other types of MenuItem. Here’s the code:

class FeatureCheckMenuItem : CheckMenuItem
	string labelText;
	ObservedFeaturesList observedList;
	this(ObservedFeaturesList extObservedList, string extLabelText)
		labelText = extLabelText;

		observedList = extObservedList;
	} // this()
	void toggleFeature(CheckMenuItem mi)
		if(getActive() == true)
			observedList.setFeature(labelText, true);
			observedList.setFeature(labelText, false);
	} // toggleFeature()
} // class FeatureCheckMenuItem

Because the individual CheckMenuItems differ only in label text, we can get away with this being a generic class and deal with the naming step up in the FileMenu class we just looked at. The constructor gets access to the ObservedFeaturesList object like everyone else.

After calling the super-class constructor and setting a couple of local variables, the callback is attached and then we come to:


As mentioned above in the section on The ObservedFeaturesList object, this function defers the decision about the CheckMenuItem’s state to the observed list object.

Next time, we’ll do pretty much the same thing except with RadioMenuItems. However, the mutual-exclusivity of RadioMenuItems demands a different approach in a few areas.

Until then, happy coding, happy hunting, happy birthday, or happy New Year, whatever’s your poison.

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