0103: SFX - Widget Opacity
The most common thing for diminished opacity to signal is that a Widget
isn’t currently available. However, it may also be that we want to see what’s behind the Widget
(s) while we fiddle with them to set a bunch of settings. To these ends, let’s look at how opacity is changed in GTK.
Setting Opacity
Here’s a straightforward example to start:
To get that ghosted look for the second Button
, its opacity is set using the setOpacity()
function… which you’ll find in the AppBox
That’s all well and good, but let’s look at some situations where such a thing might be useful.
A Fake Ghosted Button
Now, when I say “useful,” take that with a grain of salt because we’ll see further along that what we’re about to do—fake a ghosted Button
—can be done another way. Still, it’s nearly impossible to predict when something may or may not come in handy, so let’s take a look…
For the sake of reasonable layout management, we’ll toss these buttons onto a Grid
like this:
class ButtonGrid : Grid
MySwitch mySwitch;
MyButton myButton;
Label switchLabel;
int borderWidth = 10;
int columnSpacing = 10, rowSpacing = 5;
switchLabel = new Label("Ghost Me");
attach(switchLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
mySwitch = new MySwitch();
attach(mySwitch, 1, 0, 1, 1);
myButton = new MyButton();
attach(myButton, 0, 1, 2, 1);
} // this()
} // class ButtonGrid
Why are we looking at this? It never hurts to take a fresh look at aesthetics and all that border, row, and column spacing stuff.
But the main thing I want to draw your attention to is the setCompanion()
function (the eighth statement in the constructor). It sets up an association between the Button
and the Switch
so that clicking on the Button
can affect the appearance and behaviour of the Switch
, sort of an extension of what we were talking about in Blog Posts 0099: SFX - Button Interactions and 0100: SFX - Button Interactions II, Color, Font, & Shape.
The function is part of the MyButton
void setCompanion(MySwitch mySwitch)
companion = mySwitch;
} // setCompanion()
And the action takes place in MyButton
’s onButtonPress()
bool onButtonPress(Event e, Widget w)
if(companion.getGhosting() is true)
writeln("Activating switch");
writeln("Deactivating switch.");
} // onButtonPress()
You’ll notice that the if
depends on a flag that’s actually a property of the MySwitch
object. More about that in a moment. First, take a look at the rocker action of the if
. If the flag is set, unset it. If not, set it.
But we also change the MyButton
label to reflect the state of MySwitch
. If you’ve already looked at the complete code file, you may have noticed in the MyButton
preamble, as well as having a pointer to a MySwitch
object, there’s a string array for Label
string[] labelText = ["Activate", "Deactivate"];
And now you know why that’s there.
Breakdown of MySwitch
Starting with the preamble, we have:
Label switchLabel;
bool ghosting = false;
Because a Switch
widget doesn’t have the capacity for a label of its own, we give it one by supplying a Label
widget. This is the reason for the Grid
. In fact, I opted for a Grid
so the Label
can easily be placed beside MySwitch
while MyButton
occupies its own row below.
And because this is a Switch
, we harness it with the onStateSet
signal, hooking up our callback function of the same name, onStateSet()
which looks like this:
bool onStateSet(bool state, Switch s)
writeln("State set is: ", getState(), " and state is: ", state);
writeln("Switch is ghosted. Doing nothing.");
} // onStateSet()
This handles setting and unsetting that ghosting
flag we saw in the preamble. And, like the if
in MyButton
’s onButtonPress()
callback, it’s simply a matter of checking the state of the flag and, no matter which state we find, we switch to the other.
And speaking of switching the flag, here’s the function we call from MyButton
to do the switching:
void switchGhosting(bool on)
ghosting = on;
if(on is true)
} // switchGhosting()
At first glance, you may wonder why the argument to this function is named on
. By the time you get to the if
, it should be clear:
if(on is true)
Because if(on is false)
tells of the opposite state, right?
And this is where the demonstrated action takes place. We either set MySwitch
’s opacity to half (0.5
) or full (1.0
). Then we do the same thing with the Label
, just to demonstrate that this opacity stuff can be set on any Widget
The rest of this demo is straightforward enough.
Now we’ve seen how to set opacity for three types of Widget
, andSwitch
But there are a few more circumstances I’d like to cover as well as a completely different approach to ghosting, something that’s actually more natural for GTK and disables the Widget
at the same time it ghosts it. And that, we’ll cover next time.
See you then.
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